For Advisors

Trudy Pelletier

Are Your Clients Stuck?

As a professional advisor in services such as legal, accounting, tax, investments and philanthropy, you’ve probably experienced a business family who is stalled in signing off on a critical element of succession and estate planning. It’s common to have business families and their enterprises at risk, simply because they’ve not started the conversation. There can be several reasons to avoid the planning. It might reside in existing conflict, or fear of causing conflict, or uncertainty as to what the future holds – specifically how to be united and fulfilled as a business and family, with a clearly articulated vision.

Whether it be time, energy, money, or a combination thereof, there is a cost to you when your business family clients defer decisions, get stuck, or avoid talking through the tough issues. There are resources available to reduce those costs, grow your business, strengthen your relationships as a trusted advisor, and even potentially expand trust levels.